$15.89 $19.64

[ If you are an overseas resident, please write your address in English. ]

[ 초도 한정 포스터 3종 중 1종 증정 / 초도 주문 이후 주문 건 증정 불가 ]

[ 포토북 + QR 카드 + 엽서 + 접지 포스터 + 포토카드 + 종이 피규어 + 유저 가이드 ]

- 기획사 : ㈜RBW

- 제작사 : Kakao Entertainment

- 발매일 : 2025.01.15

- 아티스트 : 원어스 (ONEUS)

- 상품코드 : L200003185

- 바코드 : 8804775453083



Music&Drama is a member of 2023 HANTEO family.

See family members>

Purchased items at the store

will certainly be reflected on HANTEO CHART.

Purchased items at the store will certainly be reflected on

CIRCLE CHART, Musicbank K-chart.

MUSIC&DRAMA / CEO: Hwang Kum Suk / Business Registration Number: 241-81-01934 / 2F, 3-3, Dongmak-ro 9-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

Customer Service Center: +82-70-7537-2670 / email:

Copyrightⓒ MUSICNDRAMA. 2023. All right reserved.

Music&Drama is a member of 2023 HANTEO family.  See family members>

Purchased items at the store will certainly be reflected on HANTEO CHART.

Purchased items at the store will certainly be reflected on

CIRCLE CHART, Musicbank K-chart.

MUSIC&DRAMA / CEO: Hwang Kum Suk / Business Registration Number: 241-81-01934 / 2F, 3-3, Dongmak-ro 9-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

Customer Service Center: +82-70-7537-2670 / email:

Copyrightⓒ MUSICNDRAMA. 2023. All right reserved.